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NONI Juice has been used for over 2000 years as a source of nutrition and medicine in the Pacific region. Noni gives us the nutrients the body needs while stimulating the immune system, regulating cell function, cellular regeneration of damaged cells and so improving overall vitality.
NZ $22.00
Colloidal minerals provide many of the trace mineral deficiencies missing from modern diets. It willl assist with increased vitamin absorption from foods, maintaining a healthy body, increased flow of vital energy and enhances the uptake of other nutrients from supplements.
NZ $18.00
Colloidal minerals provide many of the trace mineral deficiencies missing from modern diets. It willl assist with increased vitamin absorption from foods, maintaining a healthy body, increased flow of vital energy and enhances the uptake of other nutrients from supplements.
NZ $38.00
Natures Formula Chromium Picolinate is an important supplement for blood glucose control. Numerous studies have shown chromium picolinate to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce hyperinsulinemia.
NZ $22.00
T J Clark’s Advanced CoQ10 Formula provides 50mg of highly absorbable coenzyme Q10 with the addition of the antioxidants vitamin C and E for nerve, cardiac and white blood cell protection.
NZ $43.00
T J Clark’s catalysed zinc is the most advanced zinc supplement, providing zinc sulfate in a colloidal form with the addition of a mineral catalyst.
NZ $27.00