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Specialising in the supply and sales of exceptional
quality liquid nutritional supplements
MSM & Vitamin C
NZ $25.00

MSM & Vitamin C

T J Clark’s advanced MSM formula is a liquid colloidal methylsulfonylmethane and multi-mineral supplement incorporating Lignisul MSM.  Lignisul MSM is 99.9% pure, the first brand of MSM specifically developed as an ultra pure food grade for human consumption and is a non-animal-based nutritional supplement that is an all-natural source of MSM.  The majority of clinical trials conducted with MSM were based on Lignisul.  Our formula is high potency with the addition of vitamin C and our proprietary blend of mineral compounds for maximum cellular utilisation.

Each 8ml contains
Methylsulfonylmethane (Lignisul MSM)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
(Containing but not limited to B, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, I, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, P, K, Se, Si, Sr, V, Zn)

Inactive Ingredients:
Purified water, Potassium Sorbate (0.1%)
Pharmacology and Research of Active Ingredients:
  • MSM is a water soluble, solid compound, also known as dimethyl sulfone.  It is a direct metabolite of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and is sometimes known as DMSO2.  The actions, benefits and non-toxicity of MSM were presented at the New York Academy of Sciences in 1982.  MSM provides a unique source of biological sulphur, a major component of the body’s proteins, tissues, hormones, and enzymes.  MSM enables cellular membranes to be more permeable, allowing the release of toxins and an increase in the uptake of nutrients.  Through the formation of disulfide bonds, MSM is the foundation for proper conformation of extracellular body proteins, holding connective tissue together as well as maintaining the 3D structure of antibodies and hormones, including insulin.  MSM plays critical roles in the catalytic function of many enzymes, detoxification of the liver, the production of keratin in strengthening hair and nails, and provide sulphur to the amino acids cysteine, methionine, and glutathione. 
  • Research indicates MSM may help regulate inflammation, inhibit pain impulses along nerve fibres, increase blood supply to inflamed tissue, reduce muscle spasms, and soften scar tissue.  MSM may inhibit the abnormal cross-linking of collagen, which can support formation of health connective tissue, retention of cartilage.  MSM enhances mucosal membranes and may benefit allergies, asthma, bladder inflammation, lupus, and cellular detoxification.
  • It has been reported that the effectiveness of MSM to relieve pain may allow the dosage of prescribed medication to be reduced with the possibility of complete discontinuation of other pain medication.  MSM is rapidly establishing a reputation as a safe, natural and effective solution for many types of pain and inflammatory conditions.
  • Ascorbic acid is also involved in the biosynthesis of other connective-tissue components, including elastin, fibronectin, proteoglycans, bone matrix and elastin-associated fibrillin. It also appears to play a role in collagen gene expression and cellular procollagen secretion.  Vitamin C influences the concentration of the cyclic nucleotides c-AMP and c-GMP, is involved in hormone production (adrenalin and serotonin), and required for the detoxification of toxic chemicals.  Vitamin C exhibits excellent anti-allergic properties and has a critical role in wound and cartilage repair.
  • Phytogenic Mineral Catalyst – Our Polyfloramin™extracts contain up to 72 trace elements for enhanced bioavailability, assimilation and synergy of the active ingredients contained in Advanced MSM formula.
Clinical Applications:

T J Clark’s Advanced MSM formula may be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of;

  • Aspirin – induced gastrointestinal upsets, hyperacidity, irregular bowel movements, inflammation of the mucous membranes associated with parasitic infections, and anti-allergy potential to environmental, food and drug, and insect bites.
  • Reduces hypertension, osteo – arthritis, back pain, headaches, muscle pain, impaired liver detoxification, interstitial cystitis, and supports the formation of health connective tissue
  • Due to the inert nature of MSM, our advanced MSM formula is non-allergic, non-pyretic, and is extremely safe.  Toxicity studies completed on Lignisul MSM demonstrated that the compound is essentially non-toxic. Extremely high dosages, up to 2,000 mg/kg, were utilized for measurement purposes in the toxicity research with no adverse reaction measured.  MSM is one of the least toxic substances in biology, similar to that of water.  Long term use of MSM at high doses encourages urinary excretion of molybdenum.
Contents: 237ml
Storage: Store below 30 C
Dosage and Administration: 8ml once or twice daily with food
Lignisul MSM Research:
  • LIGNISUL MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) A DOUBLE BLIND STUDY OF ITS USE IN DEGENERATIVE ARTHRITIS (A Preliminary Correspondence)
    By Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Clinical Professor U.C.L.A. School of Medicine Los Angeles, California 4/10/01
  • LIGNISUL MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) IN THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE ATHLETIC INJURIES  By Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D. Daniel Sanchez, D.C., C.C.S.P. Mark Grosman, D.C. 3/12/01
  • The Effectiveness of the Use of Oral LIGNISUL MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) Supplementation on Hair & Nail Health  By Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D. Council for Natural Nutrition 2/2/01

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